
In the Age of COVID

The Tragedy of a Post Viral Syndrome

Some infectious disease experts, including Anthony Fauci, have speculated that long-term COVID-19 might be a form of what is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. CFS is when the immune system overreacts even though the infection has passed. Among the long term symptoms beyond the COVID cough are:
debilitating fatigue, body aches, joint pain, difficulty sleeping, headaches, and brain fog,
coupled with health care that doesn't know how to adequately respond. Patients are left in the lurch! That's what happened to us. Learn what we did. Allow our experience to assist your journey, ease your struggle, and create a healing environment with family, friends, and employers. Let the healing begin.

Concurrence: Post Active Phase of Infection Syndromes - Friedman, et al.

"Truly THE best book on CFS I have ever read." Keryn D.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
& the Politics of Disease."

A Book by Rik Carlson

Foreword by Charles Anderson, M.D.

"A gem. ...a blanket of healing.” Susan B.

People close to you don't get it.
Help them understand:

"a primer for family and friends, neighbors and employers,..."

"... reads like a novel."

The Flying Monkeys of Burlington Vermont:


Two ways to get the Book!

1.) Signed Hard Copy
$19.95 Free Shipping (U.S.Only)

2.) As the E-Book

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rik Rik Carlson

VT CFIDS Association

20 plus years
Vermont Support Group

Televised Panel Discussions

Medical Scholarships

Research Support

Obama-Biden Health Care Report - ME/CFS

Principle Participant

A 98 page Manual for School Nurses

Get the School Nurse Manual, Free!

* indicates required


Vermont Produced 60 Minute Documentary Film

Imagine what it's like to be so sick you cannot function, ...
and because you are silent and confused,
your physician says “It's all in your head”.


Gaston Franssen, University of Amsterdam
Johns Hopkins University Press

Published in a peer-reviewed journal:

Narratives of Undiagnosability:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Life-Writing
and the Indeterminacy of Illness Memoirs

("We're Not in Kansas Anymore" was one of three books Gaston chose for this report.)

"...there is thus a longstanding and widespread conviction, among patients as well as health-care professionals, that memoirs and (auto)fictional works of illness have potential as therapeutic, (psycho)educational or practical health-care tools."

See the Abstract

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the Politics of Disease

"It is the best piece on CFS that I have read. I would like to send copies to family and friends, who just don't get it."
Edwina F.

"... you have been helping me through difficult days on many occasions. It is through your book that I have been able to "pick myself up and go again." I often quote from it to my husband."
Lell F.

"I laughed so hard at your way with words. YOU are astonishingly funny and your insightful yet benevolent and poignant humor speaks the truth more accurately than any other form of communication."
Keryn D.

"I couldn't put it down. You explain how this FEELS better than anything I have ever read. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, I am so grateful that this story has been told."
Julia A, PhD.

Two ways to get the book:

With the Film, the School Nurse Manual & the
Obama-Biden ME/CFS Health Care Report
by email

1.) Signed Hard Copy

$19.95 Free Shipping
(United States only)

As the E-Book

Get the E-Book Here